Association rules

Rules registered in Finnish, unofficial translation  


(Valid from 08.11.2023)


The name of the association is Finnair Engineers and Higher FINTO ry, which is unofficially abbreviated FINTO and its domicile is Vantaa.


The purpose of the association is to promote the employment and other professional, social, legal and cultural interests of its members.

To achieve its purpose, the association shall:

  • supports its members in safeguarding and developing the legal, social and remuneration benefits arising from the employment relationship and concludes agreements to this effect as a representative of its members.
  • carry out professional and labour market awareness-raising, information, research and training activities appropriate to their purpose.
  • seeks local cooperation with other personnel groups and negotiates with the employer in cooperation with the employer on the remuneration of its members and other issues related to the employment relationship.
  • liaise with the social partner organizations to which its members belong, keeping them informed of the general conduct of negotiations on the conclusion or amendment of agreements relating to employment relations and providing prior information on matters which may be of interest to those social partner organizations.
  • maintain contacts with other parties necessary to further its purpose.
  • inform the labour market organizations to which its members belong of any shortcomings in the employment relationships of the profession that the association has not been able to eliminate by its own efforts.
  • carry out, as far as possible, the tasks assigned by the social partner organizations to which its members belong, such as the collection of wage statistics, opinion polls and other similar tasks.
  • In order to achieve its purposes, the association may use industrial action.  

The association is a business association of YTN ry. The association may form regional or sector-specific unregistered sections, the rules of which are approved by the board of the association. The association acquires funds through membership fees.

To support its activities, the association organizes amusement and recreational events, may accept donations, subsidies and bequests, own immovable property and securities necessary for its operations, and carry out lotteries and money collections after obtaining the relevant permit.

The association is not political in its activities.An association may be a member of organizations serving its purposes.


Upon application, the Board of Directors may approve as a member of the Association a senior salaried employee (contract sector 8) who is organized in a member association of AKAVA or YTN and who is employed by Finnair Plc or its successor, subsidiary or associated company.


A member has the right to resign from the association by notifying the board in writing.

The Board of Directors may expel a member from the Association if the member has failed to pay his or her due membership fee or otherwise failed to fulfil the obligations to which he/she has committed by joining the Association or has significantly damaged the Association through his/her conduct within or outside the Association or no longer fulfils the membership conditions specified in the law or the rules of the Association.

If a member resigns or is dismissed from the service of a company referred to in section 3 or moves to a different field of agreement while employed by a company referred to in section 3, he or she may remain a member of the association until the end of the year of resignation, after which the board of directors dismisses him/her. The association may, at its discretion, support such a person even after the membership has ended, if the management of the matter so requires.


The member is obliged to comply with the rules of the association.

When joining the association or at any other time when the board decides, the member must provide the association with information about the union in which he or she is organised, as well as his or her personal and contact information for collecting the membership fee and for communication.


The amount of the joining fee and annual membership fee collected from members is decided by the autumn meeting, taking into account the membership fees arising from membership in the association's other organisations.

The membership fee is charged in the manner determined by the Board of Directors.


Due to financial difficulties, lay-offs, illness, studies, family leaves or military service, the Board may, upon prior request, grant a member exemption from membership fees for a maximum of one year at a time.

Membership fees already collected will not be refunded.


The affairs of the association are managed by the board, which consists of the chairman elected at the autumn meeting, at least two, at most nine other ordinary members and three to five deputy members.

The term of office of the Board of Directors is one calendar year. The Board of Directors elects a Vice Chairman from among its members and appoints a secretary, treasurer and other necessary officers from among itself or from outside.

The Board of Directors convenes at the invitation of the Chairman or, in his/her absence, the Vice Chairman, when they deem it necessary or when at least half of the Board members so request.

The Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum when at least half of its members, including the Chairman or Deputy Chairman, are present. Votes shall be decided by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairman's vote is decisive, however, in elections by lot.


The name of the association is signed by the chairman, vice chairman, secretary or treasurer of the board, two together.


The association's financial year is the calendar year.

The financial statements with the necessary documents and the annual report of the Board of Directors must be submitted to the performance auditors no later than one month before the spring meeting.

The performance inspectors must submit their written statement to the Board no later than two weeks before the spring meeting.


The association holds two regular meetings annually. The spring meeting of the association is held in January-May and the autumn meeting in September-December on a date determined by the board. Meetings can be attended in person or remotely.

An extraordinary meeting shall be held when the meeting of the association so decides or when the board deems it necessary or when at least one-tenth (1/10) of the members of the association entitled to vote request it in writing from the board for a specially notified matter. The meeting shall be held within thirty days of the date on which the request to hold it has been presented to the Board of Directors.

At the meetings of the association, each member has one vote. Unless otherwise specified in the rules, the decision of the meeting of the association shall be the opinion supported by more than half of the votes cast. In the event of a tie, the vote of the chairman of the meeting is decisive, however, in elections by lot.


The Board of Directors must convene the meetings of the Association at least seven days before the meeting by sending a written notice to the members personally by e-mail.


The following matters will be discussed at the spring meeting of the association:

  1. Opening of the 1st meeting
  2. Elect the chairman of the meeting, the secretary, two persons to scrutinize the minutes and, if necessary, two tellers
  3. Establishing the legality and quorum of the meeting;
  4. Approve the rules of procedure of the meeting
  5. Presentation of the financial statements, annual report and performance auditors' statement
  6. Deciding on the adoption of the financial statements and discharging the Board of Directors and other accountable persons from liability
  7. Other matters mentioned in the notice of the meeting will be discussed.

The following matters will be discussed at the autumn meeting of the association:

  1. Opening of the 1st meeting
  2. Elect the chairman of the meeting, the secretary, two persons to scrutinize the minutes and, if necessary, two tellers
  3. Establishing the legality and quorum of the meeting
  4. Approve the rules of procedure of the meeting
  5. Confirm the action plan, the budget of revenue and expenditure, and the amount of the joining and membership fees for the following calendar year
  6. Election of the Chairman and other members of the Board of Directors
  7. Select one or two operations inspectors and deputy operations inspectors
  8. Other matters mentioned in the notice of the meeting will be discussed.

If a member of the association wishes to have a matter discussed at the spring or autumn meeting of the association, he or she must notify the board of this in writing well in advance so that the matter can be included in the invitation to the meeting.


The decision to amend the rules and dissolve the association must be made at a meeting of the association by a majority of at least three quarters (3/4) of the votes cast. The notice of the meeting must mention the amendment of the rules or the dissolution of the association.

When the association is dissolved, the association's assets are used to promote the purpose of the association in the manner determined by the meeting deciding on the dissolution. When an association is dissolved, its assets are used for the same purpose.